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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Disappointing Much?

        Being someones idol is a responsibility. It shouldn't be a chore or a despise. Everyone has an idol of one kind or another. Mine, for example, is my favorite music artist - Amy Lee. Amy is the lead singer of the band Evanescence. I've been following her band for over 6 years.
        Lately I've had a few 'negative' feelings toward the Gothic-rock band. See, my biggest problem is being updated. With this band its extremely hard to find reliable information on them. Last year I looked up when their next album would be published. When I researched this I got the result of Fall 2010. Sadly, they didn't exactly meet that dateline. They haven't updated their fan base and they haven't mentioned a new release date either.

        Evanescence had two original founders, Ben Moody and Amy Lee. For a reason that is unknown to me at the moment, Ben left the band and Amy took charge. I'm not completely positive, but I think he left due to some personal issues with Amy. After several band members leaving, Amy is the only original person from the band. Which makes me think that everyone kind of left because of her for one reason or another. (Again this is my opinion, I don't know for sure) This makes me really disappointed because before I looked into all of this I really admired her. She was the one who was singing out through my darkest days. She was my hero, and now I feel a bit disgusted.
        Anyways, back to the idol thing. She kind of let me down. I mean, the least you could do is let your fans know whats going on with the album. I really looked up to her. Her lyrics became a part of me almost as if it was me who was writing them. And seeing someone who just disappears into thin air is kinda sad. It's also really disappointing to find out the ugly truth behind something after you have already thought so highly of it.

        So guys, I want  you to take a look at yourself really quick. Look at your family, little siblings, small cousins and maybe even little kids you babysit. Are you an idol? Is some kid out there looking up to you? You may not know it, but little kids are always looking for examples to follow. If your that kid's example then it's you that they are watching. Be careful about things you do or say that could affect them. Because YOU are someone's idol! :)

     Thanks for everything guys :)


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